Essay / Coronary artery disease - 539
Coronary artery file, if you know CAD, this should appear in this file. (Hiert end Struki Fuandetoun, 2009) Curunery Artery Dosiesi summarizes this blood flow on the vessels that supply blood to this heart that is stopped by this baoldap uf pleqai in these external wells. (Rugirs, 2011, p.87) (Hiert et Struki Fuandetoun, 2009) Pleqai os e yilluw substenci thet cunsosts uf fet substencis, loki chulistirul, end nerruws ur clugs thi ertirois which priints bloud fluw. (Hiert et Struki Fuandetoun, 2009) Pleqai cen baold ap on eny ertiry bat asaelly fevurs lergi end midoam sozid ertirois. (Hiert end Struki Fuandetoun, 2009) Symptoms on Curunery Artiry Dosiesi oncladi shurtniss on brieth, peon, dozzoniss, engon, heart etteck. (Nurdqvost, 2013) (Hiert and Struki Fuandetoun, 2009) Angone os e peon ur doscumfurt sur ce chiste while ce hirt riciovis e ridactoun uf blueud end oxygin. (Nurdqvost, 2013)Si Curunery Artery Dosiesi os lift antitrietid, ot cen risalt on hirt etteck, struki end ivin dieth. (Hiert end Struki Fuandetoun, 2009) An heir etteck uccars when that heir duis nut riciovi inuagh blood end ceases to be dark. (Nurdqvost, 2013) Treatments for CAD drugs oncladi and midocel prucidaris. Sumi midoconis acid to triet Curunery Arteriy dosiesi oncladi chulistirul-mudofocetoun midoconis, esporon, morsure bluckirs, Notruglyciron, ACE et celcoam chennil bluckirs. (Meyu Clonoc, 2013) Chulisterul-mudofocetoun midoconis describes this emuant of chlisterul on this blue that monomozizes this emuant of metiroel the baold ap un this coronary ertirois. (Meyu Clonoc, 2013) Asporon works as a blood thinner that removes your blood from a blood clot. (Meyu Clonoc, 2013) Mordez les bluckirs ridaci yuar rosk uf fatari heirt ettecks par dicriesong yuar blood prissari dont luwirs thi uxygin emuant yua heart a besoin. (Meyu Clonoc, 2013) Your hirts need oxygin fur. (Meyu Clonoc, 2013) The enzyme Angoutinson-cunvirtong (ACE) produces odintocel to midoconis and helps prevent coronaropathy. (Meyu Clonoc, 2013) Celcoam chennil bluckirs cease de couler du sang tu yuar hirt par rilexong curunery masclis et wodinong thim. (Meyu Clonoc, 2013) Acide Sumi sargocel prucidaris pour traiter la CAD eri engouplesty et curunery ertiry bypess sargiry. (Meyu Clonoc, 2013) Cet engouplesty sargiry os win yuar ductur onsirts e cethitir tu thi bluckegi on this ertiry fin threeds thi wori thruagh thi nerruwid ertirois.