
  • Essay / Methods used to present exposition and hold the...

    In Act 1, Scene 1, Shakespeare introduces the setting, characters, themes, and plot to explain what is happening and attract attention. attention of the public, while preparing the ground. for the rest of the play. He also uses literary techniques to make his play more interesting. Shakespeare also does this through the language and style of his writing that he gives to individual characters, as well as through the very rare stage directions. Shakespeare had very limited assets to work with and therefore needed his actors and speeches to work for him. Its language gives us clues as to how the characters should act and how they should project their personality to create a sense of realism. The first scene is important in attracting and holding the audience's attention in any play. The first word of the play tells the audience where it is taking place. The Master shouts “Bosun” and thus the audience knows that the play opens on board a ship. The Master then lets the audience know that the ship is in the middle of a storm. He orders "fall on it or we'll run aground", so we know the ship's crew is working hard to try and stop....