Essay / Meaning of Racial Profiling - 1455
According to the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, ratified in 1791, states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, their homes, their papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, must not be violated (Pampel, 2004). The Fourth Amendment is vague as to its meaning because it states that a person cannot be searched without unreasonable cause. What is an unreasonable technical cause in a typical situation? I think a person can use the term “racial profiling” in just about any situation. Some people think that just because I am somewhat honest, this officer arrested me for no particular reason. Although I have seen people targeted for the color of their skin; I have also seen people pulled over or arrested for bad driving. Maybe it wasn't criminal activity, but maybe it was because they ran the light, didn't stop at the red light, or something small. But sometimes, by doing something so stupid, a person stopped criminal activity or got a criminal out of crime.