
  • Essay / Shallow Processing Essay - 2324

    IntroductionAt the cognitive level of analysis, humans are considered behavioral entrepreneurs. Cognitive science researchers have been interested in how the verbal response is carried out during interference or inhibition. According to Craig and Lockhart (1972), information is processed in two ways. Surface processing takes two forms, one being structural (appearance) processing, this occurs when only the physical qualities of something are encoded, i.e. what the letters spell relative to the color of the word. Superficial processing only involves repetition of maintenance and leads to relatively short-term retention of information. Deep processing involves elaboration repetition which is a more meaningful analysis (e.g. images, thoughts, associations, etc.) of information and leads to better recall. It is generally easier for people to interpret the word itself, which involves deep processing, than to interpret the colors of the word, which involves superficial processing. Depending on the processing speed of the model, text processing is much faster than color processing. Thus, in a situation of interference between words and colors, when the task is to report the color, the information about the word arrives at the stage of the decision process earlier than the color. information and confusion in the processing of results. This was demonstrated in an experiment by John Ridley Stroop (1935) where he investigated the extent to which student participants were able to state the color of the word rather than reading the word itself. The researcher predicted that naming the color of the word takes longer and is more error prone than when the color of the ink matches the name of the color. In the experiment, participants were given a ten-word sample before the first reading of each test. At the start of each test...... middle of sheet...... 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 9 10Appendix II - Student ConsentFormsConsent Form• I have been informed the nature of the research.• I understand that I have the right to withdraw from the research at any time and that any information/data concerning me will remain confidential.• My anonymity will be protected as my name will not be identifiable.• The research will be conducted in such a way that it will not be humiliated in any way. You will have the opportunity to know the results at a later date. I give my informed consent to participate in this research. (Circle gender) FM Age________ School level ________Signature ____________________________________________________Appendix III - Standardized testRead the color of the word.Example: PINK• BlueInterference test (incongruous)