Essay / The Evolution of Feminism - 2015
The first wave of European feminism sought to fight for women's suffrage and liberal women's rights movements, while the second wave fought for women's empowerment and differential rights in society, and the third wave is currently challenging both. second wave feminism and patriarchy through a desire to embrace diversity and an idea of universal femininity. The main goals of the emerging Ukrainian feminist movements were to reveal the conditions women suffered in Ukrainian society. Ukrainian society emphasized, and still maintains, the political vision of national solidarity, which was also prevalent through feminist movements and dominated women's solidarity. In Ukraine, an exhibitionist feminist protest group called FEMEN challenges both what is considered normative and appropriate feminist activism, as well as patriarchy through the newly defined sextremism that encourages topless protests. FEMEN is at the forefront of this movement in what it describes as an attempt to reclaim women's bodies from patriarchal sexualization. The desexualization of the female body was one of the many goals of the second wave of European feminism in the early 1970s, made more prevalent by the myth of the bra. burning. Although feminists did not actually burn bras, they did participate in various protests against the objectification of women in pageants and beauty pageants. By throwing "oppressive" gender objects, such as bras, girdles, false eyelashes, high heels and makeup, into a trash can in front of journalists, American feminist movements sparked the myth that became from that moment on synonymous with feminist movements. One of the most prevalent forms of desexualization of perceived social views of women is found middle of paper......d-femen-is-doing-it-wrong/Nelson, Sara. “Muslim women against women: Facebook group attacks activists in wake of Amina Tyler's topless Jihad.” Huffington Post UK.April 5, 2013 Updated April 10, 2013.Web. < http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/04/05/muslim-women-against-femen-facebook-topless-jihad-pictures-amina-tyler_n_3021495.htmlShevchenko, Ina. “FEMEN International”. September 10, 2013. Facebook chat. Shevchenko, Inna. “FEMEN International”. Facebook. Internet. October 10, 2013. Savage, Ellena. “‘Naked Jihad’ sacrifices feminism to racism. » Eureka Street 23.7 (2013): 30-31. Academic research completed. October 18, 2013. PDF Tarnawsky, Maxim. “Feminism, modernism and Ukrainian women”, 1994, Genderna perspektyva, ed. Vera Aheieva, kyiv: Fakt, 2004, pp. PDFYuval-Davis, Nira. Gender and nation. London and New York: Sage. 1997. PDF extract.