Essay / A plea for same-sex marriage - 1903
Equal rights for allWhat is marriage? Recently, people are arguing about the definition of marriage. The definition of the word marriage is a topic that often comes up when talking about same-sex marriages. Getting married is a very important event for almost everyone. Many people believe that marrying the one they love is natural. However, what do you think if you can't marry him because it's socially unacceptable? There are many opinions and views on same-sex marriage. The argument over whether or not same-sex marriage should be legalized is extremely controversial. The argument against same-sex marriage is based on religion and personal values. As the majority of religions view homosexuality as a sin, those who oppose it do not want to formally recognize a relationship or lifestyle that they view as sinful and wrong. They argue that same-sex marriages undermine the institution of marriage itself, because it should only apply to unions between a man and a woman. They believe that allowing same-sex marriages will only lead to a continued decline in moral values in America. Supporters argue that gay people should have access to the same marital benefits and public recognition that heterosexual couples enjoy and that banning same-sex marriage is unconstitutional discrimination. They built their arguments around the concept of equality in America. Since this country was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, they believe it is hypocritical to deny gay rights. One thing to keep in mind is that marriage is a special thing and should be accessible to everyone. The only thing that matters in a marriage is love and everyone is... middle of paper......Stacey M., et al. “Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage in States Undergoing Marriage Law Transformation.” Journal of Marriage and Family 70.2 (2008): 345-359. Source of education. Internet. April 1, 2014. Goetting, Nathan. “Gay marriage is a fundamental right.” National Lawyers Guild Review 70.3 (2013): 137-144. Academic research completed. Internet. April 1, 2014. Mayo, David J. and Martin Gunderson. “The Right to Same-Sex Marriage: A Critique of Left Criticism.” Journal of Social Philosophy 31.3 (2000): 326-337. Academic research completed. Internet. April 1, 2014. Sanders, Steve. “The constitutional right to (keep your) same-sex marriage.” Michigan Law Review 110.8 (2012): 1421-1481. Academic research completed. Internet. April 1, 2014. Strasser, Mark. “Same-sex marriage and the right to privacy.” Journal of Law and Family Studies 13.1 (2011): 117-150. Academic research completed. Internet. April 1. 2014.