Essay / Is there a significant relationship between access to...
The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a statistically significant relationship between Salvadoran children's access to running water and their knowledge of personal hygiene. This study used data collected during a mission trip to El Salvador in January 2014; the study is therefore transversal. Data were collected via VCOM surveys, some of which were adapted from Save the Children.Study PopulationThe population of interest consisted of children aged 8 to 13 who attended school and resided in the towns of Santiago Texacuangos or Sonsonate, in El Salvador. The 8-13 age range was used to mimic the guidelines of a Save the Children survey that was used to collect baseline data on household environment and demographics. The researchers hoped to collect longitudinal data using Save the Children's methodology. The school attendance requirement was based on the need for children to be literate and accustomed to the school setting where the educational modules were delivered. The two cities of Santiago Texacuangos and Sonsonate were selected based on the presence of the VCOM medical mission and its relationships with government officials. Data was collected from this population from January 6 to 10, 2014. Geographic mapData was collected from residents of Santiago Texacuangos and Sonsonate. Santiago Texacuangos is located 18.5 miles southeast of San Salvador, near the western border of Lake Ilopango. Sonsonate is located 55.9 miles west of San Salvador and exactly 17 miles northeast of Acajutia. Figure 1, from NationsOnline, shows a map of El Salvador with San Salvador, Lake Ilopango, Sonsonate, and Acajutia clearly demarcated. Geographic Chart Santiago Texacuangos has a population of 19,428 (GeoHive, 2007). The sur...... middle of paper .......Tong, S., Baghurst, P., McMichael, A., Sawyer, M., & Mudge, J. (1996). Lifetime exposure to environmental lead and intelligence of children aged 11–13 years: the Port Pirie cohort study. Bmj, 312(7046), 1569-1575. United Nations. (2014). [Population of El Salvador]. Retrieved from http://data.un.org/Data.aspx?d=POP&f=tableCode%3A240#POPUniversity at Buffalo. (2001). An Introduction to El Salvador Culture for Disability Service Providers in the United States Retrieved from http://cirrie.buffalo.edu/culture/monographs/elsalvador/#s9Water, UN (2007). Facing water scarcity: the challenge of the 21st century. World Water Day 2007. Walker, SP, Wachs, TD, Meeks Gardner, J., Lozoff, B., Wasserman, GA, Pollitt, E., & Carter, JA (2007). Child development: risk factors for adverse outcomes in developing countries. The lancet, 369(9556), 145-157.