Essay / Definition of Fraud - 524
The precise legal meaning of fraud varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. However, fraud is generally defined in law as an intentional misrepresentation of a material existing fact made by one party to another, but with knowledge of its falsity resulting in harm and/or damage to the other party who s 'get over it. Deliberately failing to state material facts – also known as non-disclosure – makes the statements already said misleading to the other party. Fraud is both a crime and a violation of civil law. However, for a person to understand what fraud actually is, it is crucial to understand the elements behind it, how fraud can be committed, the different types of fraud and the possible flaws due to fraud . As a physical human activity, fraud can be difficult to establish, but the legal elements of fraud are easier to define. Generally speaking, the elements of fraud include: false statement of a material fact, made with knowledge of its falsity, made with the intention of inducing the victim to rely on the false statement, the victim relies on the false statement...