Essay / The Internet is becoming the public square of the global village...
“The Internet is becoming the public square of the global village of tomorrow. » Bill Gates. The Internet is big and only getting bigger. It has its own community open to the public. The Internet is becoming a platform in its own right. It is a stepping stone towards an unknown direction. The Internet has become so big that there are now different versions of it. The different versions of the Web are Web 1.0, Web 2.0, the main focus of this article, and Web 3.0. Web 1.0 is all about information sharing. It's very bland and just drives home the message of what was needed. This is how the Internet began. Web 2.0 shares information with interaction. For me, that kind of means social media. The website you have accessed has a way to interact with users, whether through comments or web giveaways. Web 3.0 is the server that interacts with the individual on a particular website. Amazon is the best example of Web 3.0 because it gives recommendations based on the items searched. “Among American adults, 87% use the Web, 68% go online...