
  • Essay / Comparison of the characters from The Stranger (The Stranger)...

    Characters from The Stranger (The Stranger) by Camus and The Trial by KafkaThe characters of the chaplain, in The Stranger by Albert Camus, and the priest, in Franz Kafka's The Stranger Trial, are quite similar, and are central to the development of the novel. These characters essentially serve to bring the question of God and religion to probe its existentialist aspects, in novels totally devoid of religious context. two characters is that they are both the last seen by the protagonists, Mearsault and K., both non-believers in the word of the lord while the chaplain of The Outsider tries to make Mearsault believe in the existence of God, the priest. tries to warn and explain to K. what will happen to him. The reason the chaplain is the last to see Mearsault is because it is his job to give the prisoners one last chance at redemption before they are executed. meets the priest following advice given to him by someone, and he is the last character he shows K. interacting with (although it may be true that K. meets and interacts with other people after the meeting, but they are neither). mentioned nor visible later). The priest is not trying to make K. confess or anything of the sort, he is mainly there to converse with the character, his religious position is almost undermined. The existentialist view of religion is that humans have been alienated from God, from each other, etc. In Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, the Christian idea of ​​salvation through suffering is omnipresent throughout the novel. What is visible in The Trial and The Outsider is that they don't touch on the religion aspect much throughout the story (The Outsider has bits of it appearing in its cross-examinations but they are used more to mock than in an analysis sense). The presence of these two characters at the end of the novel serves to cover all the existentialist areas known to existentialists (although it is doubtful whether the authors consciously attempted to make the character present due to the existentialist rules they had to follow ). The characters are called upon to structure the novels, beyond the obvious existentialist domains..