Essay / The impractical philosophies of self-reliance and...
The impractical philosophies of self-reliance and civil disobedienceThe philosophies of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson would work well in a society composed entirely of individuals highly intellectual and healthy people who were willing to make the necessary efforts to examine themselves thoroughly and formulate their own opinions on every issue affecting them. Emerson said that all members of society should think for themselves and form their own opinions rather than conforming to popular belief. Thoreau said that the best government was to have no government and that people should always do what is right. A society operating according to the ideals of Emerson and Thoreau would have no problem. No money would be needed, as everyone in society would do what is right and help each other. A farmer distributed his grain and in return received everything he needed from other members of society. No crimes would be committed because people would think about what they were about to do and realize that a better option existed. In reality, such a society is not possible because humans constantly make mistakes, and since these ideals are based on the idea that everyone in society will adhere to them, the philosophies are impractical. Because humans can never fully embrace them, the philosophies of Emerson and Thoreau will never be adopted by society. Thoreau's philosophy depends on the acceptance and truth of Emerson's philosophy, and Emerson's philosophy is ruined if Thoreau's philosophy cannot be followed. Emerson preached that all men should trust their own hearts and that what they thought was good and true. "Believing one's own thinking, believing that... middle of paper ...... is the check and balance on human negligence. People have two distinct natural tendencies. Deep down, they tend to be good. but in action they tend to be evil. People know the difference between right and wrong, but generally don't act on that basis. They tend to act too quickly, giving in to their desire for more. money and more power, thinking this will bring them happiness People generally don't understand that true happiness lies in doing what is right Self-reliance and civil disobedience go hand in hand if all. people are autonomous, then they can function without any government But if a man is not autonomous and acts against his good nature, a government is necessary and therefore autonomy cannot function fully In a perfect society, these. ideals would work wonders in an imperfect society..