Essay / Family Dollar and Dollar General - 1085
Family Dollar was started in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1959 by a 21-year-old entrepreneur named Leon Levine. He wanted to operate a low-overhead, self-service retail store. Levine's main goal was to offer a variety of high-quality products to customers for less than $2.00 (Family Dollar: History). If everything in the store wasn't a dollar to begin with, why did he name the store Family DOLLAR? The fact is that any person can be influenced in a different way simply by the way someone says a sentence or expression. A great example of this is a Family Dollar store. The problem is that Family Dollar doesn't sell everything in its store for a dollar, like Dollar Tree does. Dollar Tree is considered one of the few true dollar stores that sells everything for a dollar. The name of the Family Dollar store catches everyone's attention and makes them think that they are getting a better deal on the items they purchase there. The fact is that everyone who walks into the store thinks that generally everything in the store will cost a dollar, but that is not the case. This is the purpose of using words in the store title. Dollar General is also another store that uses the same word in its store name to inspire its customers to think the same way. Every customer is encouraged to think that everything in the store will cost a dollar, but ultimately their thoughts will be different. This type of word usage is a part of businesses all over the world. This is called cognitive grammar. Cognitive grammar is known to influence people by making them think about something you want them to think. According to the book called Cognitive Linguistics, cognitive grammar also leads in the middle of the article......to thinking about the future. Works Cited Akao, Yoji. Deployment of the quality function: integrate customer requirements into product design. Cambridge, MA: Productivity Press, 1990. Print. Croft, William and D A. Cruse. Cognitive linguistics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004. USC Upstate e-book. Internet. February 27, 2011. Family Dollar. “History: introduction.” Family dollar. Family Dollar Store, Inc. 2011. web. February 26, 2011. Hansen, Torben and Hans S. Solgaard. New insights into retail behavior and store patronage: A study of the interface between retailers and consumers. Boston, Mass: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. USC Upstate e-book. Internet. February 28, 2011. Philip Lief Group and Lynie Arden. 220 Best Franchises to Buy: The Essential Guide to Evaluating the Best Franchise Opportunities. New York, NY: Random House, 2000. Print.