Essay / Importance of Time Management - 633
It is rightly said “Time and tide wait for no man”. We must realize the value of time to succeed in all aspects of life. People who waste time are those who fail to create their own identity. There is a quote from Benjamin Franklin, author and educator, that says “time is money.” We see that time is very important in our daily life. Time management plays an important role considering the fact that students have to work with many activities with scheduled periods of time. What is time management? According to Albert Einstein, the most intelligent man who ever lived, he defined time as “the occurrence of events one after another.” According to Remez Sasson, writer, “Time management is a combination of principles, practices, skills, tools and systems that allow us to use our time to accomplish what we want.” Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, or productivity. Student time management is one of the most important skills for students to manage their studies and get good grades. Most online learners often feel like they have too much to do but time is very limited. The demands of school, work, and social life may mean you leave things to the day or forget to hand in the important assignment. Time management is very important for the personal life and professional success of every individual and it teaches you how to manage your time effectively and get the most out of it. Managing your time wisely is crucial because time is a special resource that cannot be stored or saved for the future. Everyone has the same amount of time... in the middle of a copy... everyone reaches the highest level of understanding” (p. 42). The beneficial effect of note-taking is discussed in terms of two main functions (Kiewra, 1987). The first belief is based on the idea that the process of recording notes simplifies learning, known as the encoding hypothesis. This may include increasing students' attention, increasing their awareness of the organization of the text, storing the information in memory, and encouraging the learner to compare the material with previously learned information. Second, the external storage hypothesis is related to the review function of note-taking. This is equally important because notes serve as an external storage of information that can be used to retrieve content when answering exam questions. Dual note-taking features help students pay more attention to important points and less to unimportant details..