Essay / Prescription Drug Abuse - 990
When people hear about prescription drug abuse, they think of people who don't have a prescription and are using that drug for other reasons, but this is not always the case. People who get a prescription may misuse them by misselling them or overusing them. Many types of prescription medications are highly addictive and used uncontrolled. They can have serious effects on a person. Why do so many people abuse prescription drugs? Some will say it is safer than street drugs since it is FDA approved. Is it because prescription drugs are easier to obtain and sometimes cheaper? Some people think it is safe for them to consume because it was given to them by a doctor. This is not the case many doctors administered medications because the patient would know the symptoms to report to get what they needed. Nowadays it is so easy to run to the doctor and get a prescription medication. It doesn't take much to get one, most doctors today don't even try to find the root cause of the problem, they just write a prescription and send the person on their way. This is a major problem that leads to prescription drug abuse. Why would anyone want to take something if it doesn't help them solve their main problem? So the person is not given help about what might be causing their problem, but they are given something to alleviate the problem. As soon as the medicine wears off, the problem returns. Of course, sometimes this can help solve the problem, but in most cases it doesn't. So some might wonder why America is so dependent on prescription drugs. It's a combination of doctors prescribing medications that aren't needed and the people who are prescribed them abusing them, whether they sell them or use them themselves... middle of paper . ..... options can do to his body. This disrupts brain function. With long-term use of prescription medications, the body can become physically dependent on the medication. So, if a person tried to quit, they would experience withdrawal symptoms. Some medications increase levels of dopamine neurotransmitter in the brain that control pleasure. Other medications like depressants, when one becomes addicted to them, the body becomes immune and begins to require higher doses to get an effect from the medication. Depressants slow down brain activity, making it uncontrollable if a person stops, which can then lead to seizures and other problems. Prescription drug abuse is a growing problem in the United States at all ages. It's time for people to find ways to prevent the situation from getting worse. Which could start with keeping records of drugs a person has ever used..