Essay / 'The classic objection to utilitarianism is that it...
Many objections have been made in contradiction to utilitarianism, because this theory has little concern for the rights and justice of individuals. In utilitarian philosophy, as long as an act maximizes the “utility” (well-being) of the greatest number, it is considered the moral thing to do. However, theories have arisen that challenge utilitarianism due to the lack of concern for individuals in the outcome of utilitarianism. actions. Good consequences for the maxim are the main concern of utilitarians, but if an individual suffers from one act but not five, then is that act considered morally acceptable since the maxim states that people are happy? In this essay, I will answer this question by giving a detailed discussion including a summary of the ideas behind utilitarianism and how the theory does not adequately address the consideration of rights and justice. In my argument against utilitarianism, I will use objections such as the categorical imperative raised by Immanuel Kant, Natural Rights Theories and Ethics Raised by Religion and discuss these objections in relation to Fail Safe (Sidney...