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Essay / A Briefing on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) to its validity. The exchange of purchasing power takes place at a certain exchange rate where the purchasing powers of domestic and foreign currencies are equal. To highlight its importance, this essay constructs an in-depth analysis of purchasing power parity theory and discusses the extent to which financial managers should or should not devote time and attention to this concept. The PPP concept and the law of one price, according to Suranovic (1997). ), “Purchasing power parity (PPP) is a theory of exchange rate determination and a way of comparing the average costs of goods and services between countries.” Another interpretation of the theory is given by Darby (1983) as follows: "Purchasing power parity is a usual starting point for explaining price variations in a country maintaining a fixed exchange rate with a reserve country whose price variations are considered given. » '. In short, PPP theory states that exchange rates between currencies are in equilibrium when they have the same purchasing power in each of the two countries involved. This means that, for example, taking into account the exchange rate, a batch of goods should have the same price in the UK and France when expressed in the same currency. Purchasing power parity, also called the “theory of inflation and exchange”. rate", is based on an overall price index which provides a common basis for national comparisons by linking the currencies of different countries to a mutual unit. In this case, PPP is superimposed as an a priori condition for converting income and expenditure of a country in local currency in...... middle of paper ...... goods should be the same The law of one price forms the basis of the PPP theory presents its own limitations in. the modern business world After carefully analyzing the theory of purchasing power parity, the extent to which financial managers should or should not devote time to the concept was discussed, concluding that despite the criticisms, PPP stands. a theory to consider in order to reduce foreign exchange risk.BIBLIOGRAPHYRobert J. Hodrick Geert Bekaert, 2013. International Financial Management. International Edition of the 2nd Revised Edition. Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Japan | Actual data | Forecasts | Calendar . 2014. Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Japan | Actual data | Forecasts | Calendar . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed May 1 2014].
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