Essay / Animation - 528
Animation is a series of rapid displays of 2D or 3D images or model positions to form the illusion that the images are alive. Animation is an optical illusion of movement due to the persistence of vision; this can be achieved and created in different ways. The most commonly used methods of creating animation are cinema or video program, there are many other forms of animation presentation. Animation has changed and developed a lot over the years. There is no single person who can claim to be the creator of animation, as several people were simultaneously making experimental projects which are considered different types of animation. Animation was put into practice thousands of years ago. Early examples of cartooning can be found in caves such as Paleolithic cave paintings, where animals are in overlapping positions; this is a clear example of their attempt to create a movement effect. New instruments have been made over the years to create the effect of movement, such as the phenakistoscope, the praxionscope as well as the commonly known instruments....