Essay / Digging Deep: Homosexuality Revealed - 1654
Did you know that homosexuality is not a mental or emotional disorder? Homosexuality has become a controversial subject within our society. Most people who realize they are gay are too afraid to publicly admit who they really are. Then there are others who are openly confident in their sexuality as gays or lesbians. This question is being raised more and more and has generated multiple media recognitions. Homosexuality can be broken down into several different points of view. Those who don't understand or know why someone is gay tend to ask a whole range of questions. What makes you gay? Can you change your sexuality? What does the Bible or other religions say about homosexuals? All of these questions can be answered to some extent. However, not everyone is homophobic. There are actually many non-gay people who support and advocate for gay rights. Not to mention the many influential figures and leaders we have in our country who are openly gay. Even though same-sex marriage is not legal everywhere, that doesn't mean gay people can't live happily together, they can live and love as if they were united by law. Scientists and psychologists are still perplexed as to what makes a person homosexual. Is it a genetic phenomenon, a psychological disorder or simply a sexual preference? There are a handful of people who have a voice in the media and society who express the greatest flamboyance. Ms. Ellen DeGeneres is a woman recognized because of her social acceptance and her open and carefree view of her sexuality. Ellen is a featured comedian, producer and host of her talk show “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”. She's had several same-sex relationships over the years, but she's only halfway through the article...... Logical Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Experiences. West Sussex, NY: Columbia University Press, 2003. 149. “Gays in the Military” in print. Online collection of opposing viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Web. December 9, 2013. .Harrub, Brad, Bert Thompson and Dave Miller. “This is how God made me.” Science against the “gay gene”. Internet. December 9, 2013. “Same-sex marriage.” Online collection of opposing viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Web. December 9, 2013. .Siker, Jeffrey. “Homosexuality and religion”. Homosexuality and religion: an encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2007. 1-11. Print.The Holy Bible: King James Version. Minneapolis, Minnesota: World Wide Publications, 1976. Print.