Essay / Database - 2108
FINAL REPORTSocial Mobilization StrategyCity WellnessDecember 2013Characterized Population DatabaseCollective Actions-State Social Enterprise Pasto Health Municipal Secretary of Health Pasto Municipal Mayor's OfficeContentDATABASE OF THE POPULATION 3Databases. 3Databases and urban well-being strategy 3POPULATION BY GENDER 5GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION 6GENDER AND DISABILITY 7GENDER AND DISPLACEMENT 8CHARACTERIZATION BY COMMUNITIES 9SOCIAL STRATES 13RECOMMENDATIONS. 14BIBLIOGRAPHY 15POPULATION DATABASEDatabases. A database, so to speak, is a warehouse where a large amount of information is stored, which presents a series of special characteristics and attributes, depending on the needs of each organization and which are structured, organized and linked to each. other. So, once this data is required, it can be accessed quickly and used for different purposes. Currently, a number of organizations use databases, including those of government or state, whose main purposes are control, inspection and verification, especially of the public. health, databases aim to assist in the identification, measurement and analysis of health-related problems, with the aim of planning promotion and prevention programs, but these actions are carried out from a perspective collective which sometimes does not take into account social aspects, cultural characteristics... middle of document ......more assertive decisions in the form and place of investment of physical, human and financial resources in order to guarantee equity in the sector's processes and actions. strategy, as well as evidence of populations in which the strategy has more participation in order to design community outreach strategies to reach those in which the strategy has not been positioned or demonstrates the need to create strategic links with others institutions to carry out actions or joint actions. work so that there are no layoffs regarding the improvement and exercise of the right to health.BIBLIOGRAPHYhttp://escuela.med.puc cl/recursos/recepidem/introductorios2.htm http:/ /www.mailxmail.com. /curso-epidemiologia-basica/sistema-vigilancia-epidemiologica http://www.oidhaco.org/uploaded/content/article/902247002.pdf