Essay / Pursuing a career in radiography - 1964
RESEARCH SKILLSINTRODUCTIONThe path I decided to follow after obtaining sufficient credits at the entrance to higher education (health sciences) is to study radiography diagnostic. According to Birmingham City University, I should at least achieve a minimum of 220 UCAS tariff points. The number of credits required will be higher than those needed to pass the Access course (66 Level 3 credits) and is expected to include Level 3 credits in Science Subjects, English and Study Skills. I have chosen to follow one of the paramedical professions courses and I would like to study radiography. During my research I became aware of the full range of careers one can pursue within the NHS. I am a caring person and I aim to improve these qualities. Diagnostic radiologists primarily work in hospital radiology and imaging departments, but may also work in medical offices or clinics. (www.prospects.ac.uk) JOB DESCRIPTION Radiographers provide essential services to millions of people. They care for patients of all types and ages, from the very young to the elderly, as well as patients with special needs, such as visual or hearing impairments. Diagnostic radiologists produce high-quality images of limbs, organs and other parts of the body to help diagnose a wide range of diseases. According to (The College of Radiographers -Registered Charity No 272505) May 2008. As a diagnostic radiologist, I am not limited to working in the x-ray department. I will x-ray patients in the accident and emergency department, wards, intensive care unit and operating theater when patients are too ill to come to the x-ray department. Diagnostic radiologists work in teams and may work alone, outside of normal working hours, to provide radiography services around the clock. Wide ranges of imaging methods are used. These include ultrasound, MRI and CT scan. Ranges of dyes or contrast agents are sometimes used to show soft tissue organs that would not appear on standard radiological examinations, for example the arteries, intestine and kidneys. (Medical Physics pages 159-188) Diagnostic radiologists also work closely with all members of the healthcare team because the images produced can affect and determine the treatment and care a patient receives. The role of a radiologist is of vital importance to other members of a healthcare team: the diagnosis made from a radiologist's image can affect and determine the treatment and care of a healthcare team. care. Being a diagnostic radiologist requires a special type of person combining competent use of highly technical equipment with excellent interpersonal skills..