Essay / Essay on Abortion - 2654
Abortion has been on the rise in recent days around the world. This is due to economic and social factors. What is abortion? Abortion is the voluntary termination of a human pregnancy. This involves the removal of a fetus before it is viable. This process is carried out before the fetus is 25 weeks old. It can be spontaneous or caused by an abortion. Abortion is legal in developing countries, but in most developing countries abortion is not permitted. Additionally, abortion causes more than 70,000 maternal deaths worldwide. In the past, abortion was performed with crude tools, such as sharpened tools, which caused physical trauma. Since new advances have been made in medicine, abortion is now carried out using medication or surgical interventions. Developing and underdeveloped countries have not legalized abortion. Birth complications for mother and child are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Since the progress of the 21st century, maternal mortality has decreased. This is due to family planning and also contraceptives. Abortion is caused by social, religious and economic factors. Society itself encouraged the government to legalize abortion. Nowadays, teenagers and even older people would not think twice when it comes to abortion. There have been several debates that the fetus is not alive until it is born, debates like this change mentalities. Rape is one of the main reasons women have abortions. When rape occurs, the person does not intend to become pregnant and most women do not keep the baby because it can traumatize them for life. Also because, if these young girls abort, they will be guaranteed a better education. For example, in Africa, a pregnant girl meant she had to get married immediately. There are two methods of abortion. The first ...... middle of paper ...... is considered walled and not the other, the fetus should be entitled in both situations. A criminal should not get away with killing a berry, just as a selfish woman should not get away with terminating her pregnancy because the baby never had a chance to defend itself. Fetal homocide laws are still very questionable because they show that the relevance of the fetus's life rests only on its circumstances. As noted in a 1995 Facts on File News Services sidebar "Public Opinion on Abortions," in some cases people believe that abortions are acceptable and a matter of the mother's choice, while in others, they are wrong and immoral. Opinions about the beginning of life are based on circumstances. Proponents of life and choice fail to see the disturbing effects that an abortion has on the mother. The arguments on both sides are clear.