Essay / quantitative and qualitative research approach
The issue of quantitative and qualitative research approach has been widely discussed nowadays. Some people believe that the quantitative research approach is more reliable than the qualitative research approach. This essay will discuss the characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research and why people believe that the quantitative research approach is more reliable than the qualitative research approach. Both quantitative and qualitative research have been used as a research approach recently. (What is the purpose of this paragraph??)(Combine with the first paragraph?)As Fred Kerlinger (1999) mentioned about quantitative research: “There is no such thing as qualitative data. Everything is either 1 or 0,” Quantitative research approach is an approach in which researchers use scientific methods such as questionnaires and experiments to collect numerical data to statistically analyze their research. It has been considered an objective approach that “seeks precise measurement and analysis of target concepts” (Neill, 2007). is there a Work Cite page? Quantitative research makes it easy to find differences or variations that allow the cause to be clearly identified and easily established. Additionally, the research results can be applied to other cases and conducted in a similar manner. The qualitative research approach is an individual basis that aims to understand human behavior and reasons. It is an approach in which researchers examine biographies, interviews and case studies to collect verbal data and data such as words, images or objects to analyze phenomena in society. This has been seen as a subjective approach that emphasizes that “individual interpretation of the event is important” (Neill, 2007). In the qualitative research approach, the researchers are in the middle of the article and create bias in how they examine the results (Emilyjchurchill, 2011). Although the statistics are the same, no two researchers would write the same report or use the same numbers. Researchers may hide the number that does not match their hypothesis, or if they think the number does not make sense in relation to the research. In conclusion, quantitative research is scientific and will be analyzed statistically, while qualitative research is individual based and the analysis of the research is descriptive. Both research approaches have their strengths and weaknesses. If researchers choose the approach they use because of its reliability, the research results will be limited. As a result, even though the quantitative research approach has been considered more reliable than the qualitative approach, the research approach must be considered due to the research topic..