Essay / Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - 1253
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a huge problem in recent history. It can happen to anyone and anywhere. It can affect all types of races, genders and ages. Statistics today show that sexual harassment is increasingly a problem due to the large number of cases presented. Mainstream media are increasingly reporting on sexual harassment due to high-profile cases. Sexual harassment becomes a topic on various television shows and some major morning radio shows almost every day. Sexual harassment laws need to be strengthened to address what has become a serious problem in the workplace today. What does sexual harassment really mean? Many people cannot exactly define the means of sexual harassment. According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, it is defined as follows: “(Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission or rejection of this behavior explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's job performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment." Sexual harassment may affect. all women from different backgrounds, different races and different ages who experience harassment at work, in the school environment, including in the place of worship The act of harassment may fall into this category due to a situation. forceful and insignificant For example, some signs of sexual harassment can come from small comments about a woman's breast, unwanted body contact, offensive graphic images sent directly to any person. occur in the form of disparaging remarks regarding the specific generation of the middle of paper and to implement zero tolerance regarding this crime. In conclusion, sexual harassment is an extremely huge problem that needs to be taken seriously. The only solution to deal with this situation is to speak up when this situation happens to someone. Encourage the victim of sexual harassment to come forward and report it to the appropriate authorities as soon as possible. The longer the victim waits, the less likely the problem will be corrected. If there is someone who has been a victim of harassment, confront them about the situation. Call for help and consult the local human resources representative or appropriate authority. Do not be part of the statistics of such shameful acts. Get help! Finally, sexual harassment laws must be strengthened to address what has now become a serious problem in the workplace to avoid more victims...