
  • Essay / i - 1172

    Tuesdays with Morrie is a moving and inspiring story. The story is the final lesson between a college professor, Morrie, and his former student, Mitch. After seeing his teacher during an interview on the show "Nightline", Mitch remembers a promise he made sixteen years ago to stay in touch with him. Morrie now suffers from ALS. Mitch travels from Michigan to Massachusetts to meet with him for fourteen consecutive Tuesdays, until Morrie dies. During each of these meetings, the two discuss different topics about life. Some of the topics include love, culture, marriage and forgiveness. Being afraid of growing old is a significant problem for many people, even though the aging process takes a long time. “The whole field of thanatology has been opened up but is not sufficiently recognized because the fear of death is widespread among the elderly. This is because it is often a fear that is deeply repressed and only reveals itself in the most oblique derivatives of anxiety states and depressions in later life (Roth, 1978). People fear disintegration rather than considering the positive aspects of aging. They also see aging as a process of gradual but total destruction. In life, we are told what should happen next and how it will make life better. We are told that the right way to live is to finish school, find love, get married, get a job, have children, have grandchildren, and then grow old. By having higher expectations, people can look forward to life. But as people die every day, they fear being next. There are many negative sayings about aging. They include Older Than Dirt, Over the Hill, Old Maid, Old Witch, Old Guard and Old Fart. "In our youth-obsessed, death-denying cult... middle of paper ... ended the same church until I was in college. My Oma has been my biggest inspiration because she has accomplished so much in her life. Even though she died young for her age, she inspired me the most. My Oma suffered from diabetes and a year ago she had a foot infection. His body was unable to heal the infection, and then his body began to shut down. After she died, I was able to see her. Seeing someone right after they passed away was a life-changing moment for me. Once someone passes, their body is nothing more than a shell. The soul inside is no longer there. My Oma taught me how to be a loving sister and inspired me to pursue my dreams. Without his influence, I would never have decided to go to college. She taught me that family is more important than anything in the world. No matter what happens or if there are arguments, you must always forgive those you love.